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영어 한 줄 일기170

영어 일기 I've been simplifying my shower routine lately. 재미로 읽는 정오의 뒹굴신 한 줄 일기📓I've been simplifying my shower routine lately. Instead of juggling different products like body wash, shampoo, and conditioner,I've switched to using just one bar of soap.It all started because I got tired of dealing with so many bottles and packages.You know, picking out products, dealing with packages and plastic bottles–it all felt like a chore. So, I looked it up, and.. 2024. 5. 13.
영어 일기 I joked about having 'mom vibes.' 재미로 읽는 정오의 뒹굴신 한 줄 일기📓when I saw people taking pictures of flowers,I joked about having 'mom vibes.'But lately, I'm the one pausing to capture photosand look up their names whenever I spot flowers. Nature's always been like this, but it's like I'm just starting to really see it now.It seems like I've been living like a frog in a well. 내 일상을 영어로 옮겨보면 어떨까요?간단하고 짧은 문장도 좋고위 문장 중에 비슷하게 표현할 수 있는 문장이 .. 2024. 5. 12.
영어 일기 I usually do my work at the kitchen table. 재미로 읽는 정오의 뒹굴신 한 줄 일기📓I usually do my work at the kitchen table.Even though I have my own room,I can't sit still there for too long.  I like doing little chores around the house in between.Maybe it's because I get easily distracted. So, it feels like I'm doing both work and house chores all day long.😂 내 일상을 영어로 옮겨보면 어떨까요?간단하고 짧은 문장도 좋고위 문장 중에 비슷하게 표현할 수 있는 문장이 있다면따라 적어도 좋아요. 아무말 환영, 영어가 아니어도 환.. 2024. 5. 11.
한 줄 일기 I don't have a TV in my house, 재미로 읽는 정오의 뒹굴신 한 줄 일기📓I don't have a TV in my house,so there's no couch in the living room either. The wall without a TV might look a bit empty,but I like it just the way it is.   I got this 'Golden Apples' on temporary displaystill figuring out its perfect spot. The 'Silver Button' is at eye level, catching attention,and my favorite flip clock has found its place too. 내 일상을 영어로 옮겨보면 어떨까요?간단하고 .. 2024. 5. 10.