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영어 한 줄 일기61

영어 일기 Yesterday was amazing! The sky was so blue with.. 재미로 읽는 정오의 뒹굴신 일기📓Yesterday was amazing!The sky was so blue with these super fluffy white clouds. The air was super clear, and the breeze was just perfect - it was such refreshing weather.This time between spring and summer is just the best!https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxZn_WeP7rZ_Emn0csrPZoLiHbBrA21Rxw 내 일상을 영어로 옮겨보면 어떨까요?간단하고 짧은 문장도 좋고위 문장 중에 비슷하게 표현할 수 있는 문장이 있다면따라 적어도 좋아요. 아무 말 환영, 영어가 아니.. 2024. 5. 29.
영어 일기 This book totally changed my life after I read it! 재미로 읽는 정오의 뒹굴신 일기📓This book totally changed my life after I read it! So, I bought the English version because I really wanted to read it in the original language.   I haven't had much time to read lately,but I'm gonna make sure to read at least a page every day. When books feel too thick and hard,I tear out a page to make it easier and more fun to read.😅 https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxYGzmuI.. 2024. 5. 28.
영어 일기 Yesterday, I watched the movie Furiosa. 재미로 읽는 정오의 뒹굴신 일기📓Yesterday, I watched the movie Furiosa.I was a huge fan of Mad Max, and this one was totally awesome too!It was so much fun. I had caramel popcorn and butter squid, which I hadn't had in ages.It was the perfect way to de-stress. Best day ever! 내 일상을 영어로 옮겨보면 어떨까요?간단하고 짧은 문장도 좋고위 문장 중에 비슷하게 표현할 수 있는 문장이 있다면따라 적어도 좋아요.https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxwRaUch8U8WMYdlz0v9bCwjdgjPOT.. 2024. 5. 27.
영어 일기 I went hiking this morning to see the sunrise! 재미로 읽는 정오의 뒹굴신 일기📓I went hiking this morning to see the sunrise!Everyone I met on the mountain said"Good morning" to each other. There's this person I see every day,and we stopped to chat for a bit. And I got to pet the cutest dog that always comes to the mountain.One person greeted me with a big smile today,and it totally made me happy. 😊 https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxU3SojMvfBoK1vZDnVaYYc.. 2024. 5. 26.