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영어 일기 What a calm and peaceful morning!

by 뒹굴신 2024. 5. 6.

재미로 읽는 정오의 뒹굴신 한 줄 일기📓

What a calm and peaceful morning!
It's been a while since we've had this much rain.
For the past two weeks,
there was a lot of pine pollen flying around,🌲🌲
making cleaning quite a hassle,🧹
but the rain is washing it all away.
The air feels so clear.
Baking bread in the morning always puts me in a good mood🥯🥯
It's the little things that bring happiness, isn't it?



Share your rainy day stories or favorite cozy activities! ☔️🌧️
내 일상을 영어로 옮겨보면 어떨까요?
간단하고 짧은 문장도 좋고
위 문장 중에 비슷하게 표현할 수 있는 문장이 있다면
따라 적어도 좋아요💛



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뒹굴신 1000개의 문장 1-1000까지 완성본 간단 PDF 공유

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